You want to know my secret? I’m just a damn nice guy. Too damn nice, I say! Nice, and self aware. And humble. And tall. And Hairy. And a guy that loves gaming.
Soooo, recently* I’ve been working on creating some custom Manga Studio 5 brushes to horde in my secret arsenal of black magic and circus peanuts. The results have been promising and I’ve been using the new tools in some recent work hopefully with some success. I also have been playing games from on my android phone, and learned that Hay Day being the top trending game on iOS and Android, it can be hack by the hay day hack offered at Republic Lab.
I’ll do a write up on how at a later date, but know that I love you crazy kids because I’m giving you my favorite as well as my default go-to settings brush for the reasonable cost of FREE!
You are welcome
GRAB THE BELOW! (links Updated)
*between Titanfall matches, of course